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Kierunek: Management and Finance

Opis kierunku

Sound management using financial and accounting techniques in a professional and ethical manner lies at the heart of every successful business. A properly organised and executed management process is the key for any company to achieve its operational and strategic goals. In this programme, you will develop a broad understanding of business activity, including specifically learning the tools and methods of finance and accounting, and how to apply them to real business situations involving management and decision-making.

Our Management and Finance degree has been designed intentionally to meet the educational requirements of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (CIMA). Cooperation with CIMA offers students an opportunity to acquire a vocational qualification preparing them to start a professional career in management accounting. The CIMA program at WZ UŁ enables students of Management and Finance to obtain Certificate in Business Accounting, obtain exemptions from CIMA exams and confirm knowledge during examinations taking place outside the University in standardized Pearson Vue Exam Centers.

Starting from the academic year 2022/2023, Deloitte holds the patronage over the Management and Finance course. As part of the cooperation, Deloitte offers students the possibility to participate in guest lectures and workshops conducted by practitioners, internships/practices, and support (consultation) in writing BA theses. In addition, Deloitte provides its opinion on changes to the study programme, awards the best BA theses of M&F students at the Graduation Gala, and co-teaches a course on financial audit.

With an emphasis on learning through practice, it provides a solid foundation in management theory, systems and procedures in finance and accounting, developing your skills in complex design and analysis. You will learn to identify and structure the organisation's problems. You will be able to prepare high quality information for decision making by both internal and external stakeholders, as well as get to know contemporary principles of financial statement preparation, commonly accepted costing and management accounting methods, and the fundamentals of financial management.

The graduates of the BA in Management and Finance programme have gone on to work for multi-cultural, multi-national organisations characterised by the global scope of operations in multiple industries (i.e. auditing companies, consulting companies, banks, accounting offices etc.). Mainly, they were employed as assistant managers or specialists in accounting departments, controlling departments and/or financial departments.

Zasady rekrutacji

konkurs świadectw:
Przedmiot obowiązkowy: język angielski
Przedmiot wymagany do wyboru: geografia, historia, informatyka, matematyka, WOS, język obcy nowożytny
Przedmiot niewymagany do wyboru: biologia, chemia, fizyka, geografia, historia, informatyka, matematyka, WOS


Studia płatne



e-mail: rekrutacja.wz@uni.lodz.pl
tel. 42 635 50 51